Parker County, Texas Porter Cemetery Historical Marker Marker Title: Porter Cemetery Address: US 180, 10 mi. W of Weatherford City: Weatherford Year Marker Erected: 1978 Marker Location: From Weatherford, take US 180 about 10 miles west. Marker...
Parker County, Texas While gathering data for the present work, the author found several familiar with this fight, and acquainted with all of its details, excepting the identity of the citizens engaged. The Palo Pinto Citizens reported the rangers...
Parker County, Texas Approximately three miles from Millsap, about noon, and just after a shower, in 1868, Webb Gilbert turned out his horses to graze. At the time, sixteen Indians were concealed on a red bluff not a great distance away, and in a...
Parker County, Texas Marion Lasater, Wess Sheek, Jim Williams, Dave Rivers, Bill Fancher, Jim Garrison, and others, started east from old Black Springs, which was in Palo Pinto County, to work the road. After going about four miles, they...
Parker County, Texas About 1863, Johnnie Leaper, who was about seventy years old, whose wife was about thirty-five who was the father of about four small children, and who lived about twelve miles northeast of Weatherford, was out in his field...
Parker County, Texas During the summer of 1861, Thomas Killen, William Washington, and Sowell, hunting stock on Poe Prairie, north of Millsap in Parker County, stopped in the shade to let their horses graze. Each of them were unarmed and suddenly...
Parker County, Texas During 1868, R.W. Littlefield, Ed Ross, and Wright Jones, had just finished killing a beef, about two miles south of the present town of Millsap, and placed it on a pack horse, when R.W. Littlefield saw an Indian on a little...
Markers (click on a topic to jump to that section.) Annetta Cemetery | Authon Cemetery | Cooper, Colonel Alfred G. | Fondren Cemetery | Fort Wolters | Hoggard-Reynolds Cemetery | Ikard, Bose | Knight, Jack Llewellyn | Lanham, Governor S.W.T. |...
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