Markers (click on a topic to jump to that section.)
Fields Museum | Mackenzie Trail | Capt. R.B. Marcy Trail | Old Railroad Depot
Uncommemorated and Unmapped Sites
Citizens and Soldiers Follow Indians After Killing of George Hazlewood and Attack on Old Ledbetter Salt Works | Lewis Collins
Fields Museum

Museum Name: Fields Museum
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 694
City: Haskell
Zip Code: 79521
Street Address: 401 N. Avenue E
Area Code: 817
Phone: 864-2303
County: Haskelll
Types of Exhibits/Collections: Local/Pioneer History Type of Exhibits/Other:
Mackenzie Trail
Marker Title: The Mackenzie Trail
City: Stamford vicinity
County: Haskell
Year Marker Erected: 1959
Marker Location: from Stamford, take HWY 277 N about 0.5 mile to junction with Hwy. 283.
Marker Text: "Over a million buffalo hides hauled East, route settlers West" A map of Crosby, Dickens, King, Knox, Baylor, Garza, Kent, Stonewall, Haskell and Throckmorton Counties, across which runs the Mackenzie Trail, is shown in the next panel. "Tonkawa Indians guided Mackenzie to defeat Comanches in Tule Canyon, end Indian power in Texas" "Trail died from R.R. 1900. Along the trail began Longhorn Ranches." Printed in the blocks at the base of the marker from left to right, beginning with the top row: "J.C. Bryant / Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Scott / Captain W.E. Rayner / J.E. Murfee, Sr. / SMS Ranches / City of Haskell/County of Haskell / R.V. and Tennie B. Colbert / Dr. L.W. Hollis / Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Tandy / FW&D Ry Company / Erected by Mack-Trail Memorial Association, Bernard Buie" Bottom Row: "W.L. Harrison / S. Burk Burnett / Thomas Lloyd Burnett / Clifford B. Jones / Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Humphrey / R.L. Penick / County of Jones / M.S. Pierson / Sculptor W.M. Chase, 1959"
Capt. R.B. Marcy Trail
Marker Title: Capt. R.B. Marcy Trail
City: Haskell vicinity
County: Haskell
Year Marker Erected: 1934
Marker Location: from Haskell, take US 277 south about 6.5 miles
Marker Text: State recognition of the Captain R.B. Marcy Trail marker as an Official Texas Historical Marker has been announced by Mrs. Sue Barfield Chairman of the Haskell County Historical Survey Committee. The marker is located 6.5 miles south of Haskell, Highway 27. Sponsored by the American Legion - Haskell Post at the time of its erection in about 1934, the marker commemorates the approximate spot where the Marcy Trail intersects the present highway.
Old Railroad Depot
Marker Title: Old Railroad Depot
City: Haskell
County: Haskell
Year Marker Erected: 1968
Marker Location: S city limits,Haskell
Marker Text: Built 1906 by Wichita Valley Railroad Company when laying tracks into Haskell; originally located on Depot Street, this building saw service during era when large shipments of cotton, cattle, grain came through area. At train time, citizens would flock to depot to see travelers and hear news and gossip. After W.V. Railroad stopped passenger service (1951), depot was made into a museum (1963); still contains original furniture. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1968.