Part of our in-depth series exploring the forts of Comancheria

Alamo Village
Alamo Village (remains currently closed as of 2021)
Box 528
Brackettville, Texas 78832
(830) 563-2580 Fax (830) 563-9226
[email protected]
Alamo Village is located 7 miles north of Brackettille on FM 674 off Hwy 90.
Alamo Village is Texas' first permanent outdoor movie location and was built for John Wayne's epic "The Alamo." It sits in the middle of the18,000 acre Shahan HV Ranch seven miles north of Brackettville on Hwy 674. The set, largest and most complete in the U.S., boasts a full-scale period town and the only replica of the 1836 Alamo mission in the world.
The Alamo and town were constructed with a dedication to authenticity. Our versatile sets, all full-scale buildings; no false fronts, include nearly three dozen board-and-batten and adobe buildings such as jails, saloons, general store, bank, hotel, church, stable, blacksmith shop in addition to the Alamo mission-fortress.
$10.75 for Adults
$ 5.00 for children 6-11
5 and under is free
Related Links
Alamo Village Web Site